Any Fellow nerds a Comic Buff and a Diablo fan? Well, I know I am and it just gets better with the recent news of new upcoming Diablo content coming straight from Blizzard hopefully that means Diablo 4, but of course they did just release that Diablo 3 will come to the Switch which makes it even better because that means we have diablo on the go!!!!!!!!!
Hey, everyone I thought I would start out my review of anime’s with a good one or at least I believe it is a good one. Gundam Wing was originally released America in the mid. 90’s. The premise is that mankind has colonized space and on earth the nations formed the Unified Earth Sphere Alliance.
Netflix is on point with making original content and remaking old shows. With the latest being Lost in Space. This turns the original show and pumps it up a notch with better visuals and better acting all around. Netflix put a lot of effort in making this show a worthy show to not only produce the numbers but to get the numbers that would convince them to make a 2nd season and that’s just what happened.
Overwatch created a Tribute for Starcraft and turning 20 for its of course 20th anniversary. This is a cool Kerrigan Widowmaker skin and all you have to do is login to get it!
Yet again Blizzard releases an awesome new addition to the Overwatch Family with Brigitte! the Awesome Guardian Mace wielding Shield Barring Badass Support character.
She wields a Mace with a melee attack similar to Reinhardt with the right click being a longer ranged melee attack. She also has a similar shield to Rein but much smaller meant to just help support her and maybe if you stand right behind Brigitte then it would be useful.
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