Jurassic World Rebirth

Jurassic World Rebirth hits theaters this July 2nd, with Godzilla and Rogue One director Gareth Edwards at the helm, hoping to bring the franchise back to its terrifying roots.

Jurassic World Rebirth takes place after the events of Jurassic World Dominion, on a version of Earth that has been filled with dinosaurs. In the years between the films, most dinosaurs have retreated to some islands near the equator, where the climate is still hospitable for them. A team is sent in to take some DNA from the dinos, in order to help create a potential cure for human heart disease.

Plot summary

Five years after the events of Jurassic World Dominion, the planet’s environment has shown itself to be mainly inhospitable to dinosaurs. The survivors now live in remote tropical regions with conditions similar to those in which they were formerly abundant. Zora Bennett, a covert operative, is hired to work with paleontologist Dr. Henry Loomis and team leader Duncan Kincaid on a top-secret mission. Their goal is to locate the three largest creatures within the tropics and acquire their DNA, which contains the key to a drug that will miraculously save human lives.[

The team crosses paths with a civilian family whose boating adventure was overturned by roving aquatic dinosaurs, leaving them all stranded on an island. Once the site of Jurassic Park’s research laboratory, the group discovers that the island is home to failed, mutated dinosaurs which have thrived there for decades

What are your thoughts on the continuation of the Jurassic Series? Is it a good series to continue moving forward with or should we have left it the way it was? Let us know in the comments down Below

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