7 Websites to Learn Linux the Fun Way

Learning Linux can be a rewarding experience, and there are several websites that offer a fun and interactive way to do so. Here are seven websites to help you learn Linux in an engaging manner:

  1. Linux Journey (https://linuxjourney.com/): Linux Journey provides a series of hands-on tutorials that guide you through the fundamentals of Linux in an interactive and gamified manner.
  2. The Linux Documentation Project (http://www.tldp.org/): The TLDP offers an extensive collection of how-to guides and documentation to help you understand various aspects of Linux.
  3. OverTheWire (https://overthewire.org/wargames/): OverTheWire hosts several war games and challenges that teach Linux and cybersecurity skills in a fun way. “Bandit” is a great starting point for beginners.
  4. Ubuntu Manual (https://ubuntu-manual.org/): This manual is designed to help newcomers to Ubuntu, a popular Linux distribution, get started and understand the basics.
  5. Linux Survival (https://linuxsurvival.com/): Linux Survival offers a series of tutorials that teach Linux through a story-based approach, making it an engaging way to learn.
  6. Learn Enough Command Line to Be Dangerous (https://www.learnenough.com/command-line-tutorial): This is a part of the “Learn Enough” series and provides a practical introduction to the Linux command line.
  7. Linux.org (https://www.linux.org/): Linux.org is a comprehensive resource for learning Linux, offering tutorials, articles, and a supportive community forum.

These websites offer a variety of resources, from beginner-friendly tutorials to more advanced challenges, to cater to different skill levels and learning preferences. Learning Linux can be enjoyable and rewarding, and these websites can make the process fun and interactive.

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